The Piersons

The Piersons
"As soon as we saw you we knew an adventure was going to happen."-Winnie the Pooh

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Brielle's Birth Story

Up until I went in labor I worked full time at a security company called Vivint. I worked in the Order Processing department where we placed orders for the technicians so they could have the proper equipment to install the systems in customers houses. The day of September 8th my stomach was feeling super tight and I was having mild contractions. I had my appointment earlier in the week and my doctor had told me that I was dilated to a 2 or 3. I had tried just about everything to help stop the contractions because my due date wasn't until October 3rd. Throughout the day the contractions were stop and go, so I wasn't too worried about them at that point. I hardly got any sleep that night because I was so uncomfortable but I was exhausted! The next day I got up and got ready for work. My shift was 7 am til 3 pm. I remember telling my manager that I wouldn't be able to take any calls because I was in a lot of pain. Work that day felt like the longest day ever. I was not enjoying it to say the least. Three o clock finally came and I was able to go home and elevate my feet.

We were supposed to have some friends come over that night but I was not feeling good so I told Cory to reschedule with them. The contractions kept getting stronger throughout the day and once 7 o clock hit it was time to go to the hospital. We get checked in at the front desk and the nurse wheels me into a delivery room. The labor and delivery nurse checked me and I was dilated to a 5! She told us were staying to have a baby! I was really nervous this was happening so fast and so early. I was 37 weeks and 4 days so with babies that are not full term they call preterm babies. The doctor that I really loved was on call thank goodness. I was in a lot of pain, with every contraction I had to really focus on my breathing and breathe through the pain. By this time it was around 11 or 12 at night and I was not a happy camper. I ended up getting an epidural because I do not do well with pain at all. My friend Sariah and my mother in law were both there. Sariah held my hand while they did the epidural so Cory could watch, that kind of thing for some reason fascinates him. I have a big fear of needles, they make me uneasy and I just don't like them.

After the epidural was in it took about 15 minutes for the medicine to kick in and then I could finally relax a bit. A couple hours had gone by and the nurse would come in every hour to check if I had dilated any more, I didn't. So to get things going they gave me some pitocin to encourage the labor along and to get some progress. A couple more hours flew by and I had dilated to an 8. Another hour had come and gone and I was now at a 9...time to push! The doctor came in and was surprised at how big the baby's head was. She was saying she was going to be a 7lb baby going off of her head measurements. That kind of surprised me because she was coming 3 weeks early. I pushed for 15 minutes and then Brielle Nicole was born at 4:24 am weighing 5lbs 13 oz and she was 18.5 inches long. She was so perfect in every way! The nurses put her on my chest and they helped me to clean her up and get all the gunk out of her mouth and face. They took her to weigh and measure her while they did that the doctor cleaned me up. The nurses gave her back to me and I was able to do some skin to skin with her. I was loving every second of it.

I finally had a second chance at being able to raise my child.

I was really scared to have this chance a second time, because of everything that had happened with Brody. Just a recap Brody is my first born and is Brielle's older brother who passed away due to SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) three years ago. Needless to say I was terrified and excited and feeling really vulnerable. Don't get me wrong I was elated to have a daughter that I can raise and love as my own but having a child that dies in their sleep, a situation that you have no control over is really scary.

Brielle was the sweetest little girl. She would just lay on me and be staring at the world. We both got cleaned up and sent were sent to the recovery room. It was time to get a routine down and to sleep. We got Brielle to breastfeed right away and she latched on right away. It was almost like she knew what she was doing, which was such a blessing for me because with Brody I had no idea what I was doing and the lactation consultant that helped me in the hospital wasn't really helpful. I also made sure to pump to get my supply in before I went home.

Brielle's pediatrician is awesome! He happened to be the on-call pediatrician and I am so grateful for him and his sweet manner to me and to Brielle. We told him our history and about Brody and our concerns with Brielle, so he got a doctors prescription to get an apnea monitor! We had to stay in the hospital for an extra day to wait for the monitor to get there, there was a mix up of patients to monitors, long story short the delivery guy gave our monitor to another patient and thought he had given it to us. Brielle's pediatrician also wanted to make sure we knew how to use it and read it if and when it went off. Originally he wanted to monitor it for 24 hours but since we were supposed to be gone withing 48 hours of delivery he only made us stay for 4 hours after the 48 hour mark. It was a long three days in the hospital so we were more than ready to go home.

We sure love our little Brielle!

The Piersons