The Piersons

The Piersons
"As soon as we saw you we knew an adventure was going to happen."-Winnie the Pooh

Monday, September 12, 2011

Back to school we go!

OK so its the start of a new school year and Cory is only taking three classes this semester. He works in the morning at the hospital and goes to school in the i love him! The three classes that hes taking is Spanish and Chemistry and a Chemistry lab thing. I have also gone back to school haha but not what your thinking, i took a two week course to get my Certified Nursing Assistant license. It was really fun getting to know new people and learning new material. Now i am looking for a CNA related stuff! no not really, its been kinda difficult not having a job and living off of Cory's income when we are used to both of us working so we had to cut back on a couple of things but I'm sure everything will go back as it was once i get a job.

For Labor day weekend Cory and i drove up to Washington to visit my family. It was really needed and i missed them a lot! My older sister Alicia, my cousin Alex and her boyfriend all came along with us and surprised both my mom and my aunt it was pretty hilarious to see both moms surprised. We left Utah Friday night and got into Washington around 4 in the morning and went straight to bed, we were pooped! Didn't really do anything too excited, just hung out with the fam and enjoyed their company til we left on Monday night about 5 ish and got back home to Utah around 4 am poor Cory had work at 7 Tuesday morning =[

Life is good! Til we meet again :)