The Piersons

The Piersons
"As soon as we saw you we knew an adventure was going to happen."-Winnie the Pooh

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Four-Wheeling with ma boys :)

Cory's brother in law Dave's family has a cabin up in Spanish Fork Canyon way up in the mountain. About an hours drive from Provo. After the big Springville City Arts Parade Cory, Dave, the two little boys and I took the truck and two four-wheelers up for the day. This was our adventure :)

The boys with their huge helmets heehee :)
all nice and clean still. before heading out to the trail.

haha oh Ethan :)

Georgeous views! at the top of the trail.

dirty faces on the trail haha

that's right...sniper baby ;)

haha devil child...he can be sometimes but mostly loving :)

Before :)

After :)

Oh and Dave hit a momma badger on the way back down the mountain ON PURPOSE!!! It stunk so bad!!

update time!

So every year Springville has the Art City Days which is kinda a big thing around here they had a carnival and a parade and lots of things to do for the entire week. Of coarse with our busy schedules we didn't get to do everything...but we did go to the fair! :) We went Monday night when it was only one ticket per ride to ride on when its usually like three or four tickets depending on the ride. Thank goodness for family night!
These are some of the rides that Cory and I rode before the lines got super long!
The Ring Of Fire!!
one of the kids that were on the ride with us looked like he was going to cry but he was like 16 or 17 looking haha it was way funny
The Alli-Babba(baby one)
and of coarse the ferris wheel! we stood in line for an hour and a half to ride it. Riley and Ethan were geting pretty antsy when we started gettting towards the front.
But we made it on just in time before the rides started closing down and before it started to get really cold. Dave bought the boys a snow cone to keep them happy for the time being while waiting in line-hence the red on his face haha
overall it was a good day! :)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Yay for surgeries!...NOT!!!

The past couple of weeks have been a little hectic. Cory finished school on April 27th. He got amazing grades and I am very proud of him! The track team that Cory coaches for in Springville won the state title (well the girls) after being cursed with 2nd place for 4 years! The boys came in 2nd over all and beat the school record which was awesome to watch! We were outside pretty much all day and I got a pretty good burn. After the girls won the state title one of the girl's dad is a fireman and offered to drive us through town on top of the fire truck!! It was awesome! We had a police escort and an ambulance following us and the girls rode on one fire truck while the boys rode on another fire truck. Needless to say, it was an awesome experience. Cory started a new job working as a physical therapy aid in the Payson hospital. It’s quite a drive but it'll be well worth it and a great experience for grad school. Cory's parents went out of town for Cory's dad's work and went to Washington D.C. for a week, we house-sat/watched, my brother in law, when they were gone. It was fun to hang out with Jared and relax (somewhat). When Jared was two years old he had meningitis, which is an inflammation of the lining around the brain and spinal cord, so he's pretty much a 14 year old kid stuck in a 29 year old body. Whenever we ask him how old he is he says that he is 14 so we will go with that. He is high functioning and can take care of himself for a lot of things but just needs assistance with others like cooking and bathing, so that’s why we stayed with him for the week. While the parents were away Jared and I went to South Jordan to visit Jenny my sister in law and her two adorable puppies. We made homemade hamburgers for dinner and watched tangled and just hung out and enjoyed each others company. Thursday the 26th Cory had another surgery on his nose. On April 1st he had the first surgery on his nose and just had another one. He had a deviated septum in his nose which was making it difficult for him to breathe correctly. Well after that surgery he started forming a large bump on the inside of his nose which was making it hard for him to breathe again. So hopefully this last surgery fixed that mess and we won't have to have surgeries for a while.

My mom came and visited us this last weekend. :) It was nice seeing her and spending time with her. She got here thursday night and left this morning. It was kinda crazy because I had to work a lot while she was here but thank goodness they were in the mornings only. Thursday night when she got here we just hung out and sorted through all the scrapbook stuff she gave me (three big boxes full!!!!) since she got here kinda late. Friday I worked early in the morning then when i got off we went shopping and had girl time without Cory, he doesnt like shopping anyway haha. We went to cafe rio for dinner and hung out at Cory's parent's house. Saturday I worked a grave so i slept most of the day but when I woke up my mom Cory and I went out to lunch at icebergs then my mom and I went and got pedicures. Sunday I worked another grave but was up in time to go to church. After church we all went over to Cory's parent's house for popcorn and ice cream and a movie. This weekend was pretty exhausting for my body and so I'm hoping this next week is a lot more calm. Hopefully I'll get to see my mom again in a month when my older sister Alicia moves to Salt Lake. My mom hasn't decided if she's tagging along or not yet, so we will see.

I will be posting pictures soon of the track meet and of other things